Theunissen Technical Trading BV has something going on when it comes to sustainability. The company has been certified in accordance with the requirements of the CSR Performance Ladder already since August 2016. This means that special attention is paid to working conditions at Theunissen and of course to our impact on the environment.
Of course, a major contribution can be made by supplying energy-efficient and energy-saving products, such as high-quality LED lighting from Glamox or, for example, the Fuel Monitoring systems from Insatech. Apart from this, we regularly check whether processes in the company can be improved and made more environmentally friendly. For example, the use of solar energy, energy-efficient boilers and LED lighting has already significantly reduced our annual energy consumption.
Theunissen may go a few steps further where we get to the logistics process. 'Never having to order new packaging material again is ultimately the goal. Although we have almost arrived there now', André Peters, Warehouse Manager of Theunissen, says laughingly. 'Packaging is reused here as a standard. It is also regarded as sports to collect leftover packaging from neighboring companies. Provided that the shipment takes place safely and without damage, that of course remains the explicit condition,' says Peters.
One type of packaging product needs to be reordered every now and then, though. 'To properly package pallets, you cannot do without tensile film. When one of our customers asked us to think about biodegradable film, I immediately dove into it," Peters continues enthusiastically. 'Since this autumn we have completely switched to the biodegradable variant. The difference is actually not visible, nor noticeable in the quality and strength. It gives a good feeling to have taken this small but important step," says Peters.
Customers, and also end users, increasingly indicate that they would prefer not to see plastic in and around the shipments they receive from their suppliers. 'We cannot yet completely rule this out, for example when an international shipment is delivered here completely packaged and sent directly to a project location together with other products.
Peters: 'Removing any plastic foil completely and replacing it with biodegradable foil actually would not make sense. Unless this is a stringent requirement of the recipient of course. But rest assured, our suppliers are just as aware of the changing requirements in our packaging materials. And we will be happy to point it out to them again!'
Would you like to learn more about the actions taken within Theunissen to become more sustaiable towards the future?Contact either André Peters, Alfred Brussen or Henk Volmerink: