For regular use, including illuminating the immediate vicinity of the ship and shining ahead over short or medium distances, halogen searchlights are normally chosen. Halogen searchlights are reliable, have a broad bundle, are relatively affordable and provide a fairly good light output. Halogen searchlights of 150-5000 W are available.
Searchlight halogen, 230VAC/1000W incl. 24VDC control, with control panel
Stock: 0Indicative delivery time: 8-10WSearchlight halogen, 230VAC/2000W incl. 24VDC control, with control panel
Stock: 0Indicative delivery time: 8-10W
• Affordable prices
• Various supply voltages available (including 24VDC, 120VAC, 230VAC and 440VAC)
• Large opening angle: wide beam
The most common reason for choosing halogen is the very favorable pricing. In addition to the favorable price of the halogen searchlights as well as the separate light sources, the Seematz searchlights with halogen lamps have the advantage that no compass interference takes place within half a meter. Halogen searchlights are ideal as a job search light for small to medium distances and are a good and relatively cheap solution for all types of ships.