Insatech A/S was established in 1989 and has since grown to more than 80 employees. Since the beginning the focus of Insatech has been on automation and instrumentation. Insatech Marine has its origins in industrial industry monitoring systems and offers 3 approved systems for the Marine and Offshore market:
This system provides real-time data on immediate fuel consumption. The knowledge of your fuel consumption gives you insight into how internal and external factors influence the fuel consumption of your ship. This enables you to maintain the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly route and speed.
The Performance Monitoring System optimizes your operational performance by linking as much data as possible on board and providing real-time information to the crew about the condition of the ship. This system is an extension of the Fuel Monitoring System, which also evaluates data such as torque, gyrocompass, wind speed, GPS, echo sounder and power from the generators. This system is also the ideal basis and management tool to comply with the mandatory energy efficiency plan (SEEMP). The system can also be extended to central monitoring at fleet level.
The bunker system uses stable Coriolis mass flow meters and is intended to accurately measure the amount of bunker fuel. This prevents accidental or deliberate attempts to manipulate the amount of marine fuel ingested, for example through temperature variation or the addition of air. Manipulation with fuel volumes can have significant financial consequences. To illustrate: a measurement of the Insatech Bunker Management System in June 2013 indicated an actual supply shortage of no less than 53.3 tons of fuel, with a value of USD 31,980 (June 2013). For this operator, the investment in the measuring system was already half paid after 1 use.
Precision measurement
To achieve an exact measurement, Insatech Marine works with the Coriolis Mass Flow Meters from the Yokogawa brand. The advantage of this system compared to the mechanical gauges is that it has no moving parts (no wear), but above all that the accuracy is much higher. For example, air in the fuel (cappuccino effect) during bunkering is detected.
We provide custom auto logging solutions that give you a detailed insight into the vessel's performance. By using an automatic logging system that logs the data 24/7, you always have an up-to-date overview of performance.
Total solution
Insatech offers a total solution, including all sensors and monitoring systems, while also taking care of the installation and implementation on board, especially for existing ships. Depending on the size of the ship and the extent of the chosen system, a complete system can be boarded on existing ships in a few days to about two weeks. are being implemented. The delivery package includes instrumentation, such as:
• Coriolis Mass Flow Meters
• Torque Meters
• Power Meters
• Various sensors for various measurements
All solutions are modular and open, which means we can communicate with your existing IAS system if needed.